
The rich and taxes

Warren Buffet,"Look, tax me because I'm a patriotic American and I want to make sure our country stays strong and is fair."

If you are truly a patriotic american who wants to make sure our country stays strong and fair... why do you want the government to use police force to seize your assets instead of giving willingly and openly to those areas which need help?  Why is our government better suited for allocating your funds than you?

Last I checked, Mr Buffet, you seemed to have your finances in some semblance of order.  Can you say the same for the government?  

You scrutinize your investments.  Can you say the same for the government?

You have and hold to mission statements.  Our congressmen continually try to re-write the rulebook they swore to uphold.

Nothing keeps an american from giving more than they're taxed to the government.  If you aren't taxed enough, write a check.  Nothing keeps people from donating openly to charitable causes.

Keep your mantra out of other people's pockets.