
Just found this too and thought it interesting

It would appear that more and more of our fair and balanced news sources are trying to downplay the fiasco with missed references to the controversy behind Kerry's remarks:

New York Times: "As Vote Nears, Stances on War Set Off Sparks."

Washington Post: "Bush Calls Kerry Remarks Insulting to U.S. Troops."
- (The Post wins some sort of prize for partisanship. Kerry's on A-8. On page one, the big headline is "Campaigner in Chief Has Limited Reach: An Unpopular President Avoids Many Key Races.")

USA Today: "Kerry, White House exchange words over Iraq 'bad joke'."

Chicago Tribune: "It's Kerry vs. Bush once again: Senator's remark on Iraq war sparks coast-to-coast clash."

The Boston Globe wins a point or two for actually getting a bit quote-specific: "Kerry's 'stuck in Iraq' remark ignites firefight with Bush, GOP."

And from our friendly BBC chaps: "Embattled Kerry seeks low profile"

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